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It’s my 20th anniversary

That's right, I've been blogging for 20 years: first on my own; then for the Washington Monthly; then for Mother Jones; and now back on my own again. This is longer than I spent on my allegedly "real" career in the high tech industry from college graduation through 2001.

But I haven't yet achieved my primary blogging goal: persuading someone to change their mind. Someday it'll happen!

44 thoughts on “It’s my 20th anniversary

  1. Salamander

    I remember the old "Calpundit" days and the cat blogging. Between the politics and cats, I was hooked. Keep up the good work!

    1. Citizen Lehew

      Yep. Back when he was Calpundit there were a million other blogs out there (even I had one, everyone was a blogger!), but he was in a small pantheon that clearly stood above the rest. I've been a daily reader ever since.

    1. onemerlin

      Count me as another convert.

      Before you published, I was a reasonable believer in the abortion correlation, as it was somewhat robust per state to when abortion was legalized where. But it doesn't hold up internationally, and lead is a far stronger explanation, both in backing data and in explanatory power. I have flat changed my mind, due to you.

    1. different_name

      I think he intends to be part of the takeover. He's already swapping out parts.

      I expect Robopundit to be graphing and trolling long after the meatsacks become economically unviable.

  2. different_name


    I just searched my email, and saw I first emailed calpundit in September, 2009. I thought it was earlier, but no.

    If I did this right, this will bug you until you go check your archives.

  3. Doctor Jay

    Minds change slowly and often invisibly. I'm sure you have changed minds, you just don't get to see it happen.

    Congrats! I didn't start reading for maybe another year after that, or maybe it was two. But what a long, strange trip it's been!

  4. KinersKorner

    Congratulations Kevin. Been reading from the beginning and now one of the only blogs I still read. Maybe you haven’t changed my mind but you and many of your commentators have informed me greatly. Thanks Kevin and thanks fellow commenters.

    1. Vog46

      Yeah the spitball thing goes for me too
      If I agree with Drum I brush my teeth before I make the spitball - otherwise he gets the morning mouth treatment !!!!!

  5. rick_jones

    But I haven't yet achieved my primary blogging goal: persuading someone to change their mind. Someday it'll happen!

    Oh, I don’t know, you may have changed the minds of a few folks thinking of getting into blogging … 🙂

  6. Disasterman

    I think Ive followed you daily since the start, Cal Pundit?
    I appreciate all the bloggy good years, with gatos!! Gracias!

  7. dspcole

    Congratulations! I’m late to the party, starting only with MoJo, but always part of my daily doomscroll. Keep up the good work.

  8. KawSunflower

    Grateful for sharing your expertise & hopeful attitude, along with photos.

    Wishing you successful medical treatment & strength to continue blogging, photographing, & traveling.

    If the European rivers continue to lose water, you & Marian may find river cruises a thing of the past - perhaps your recent captain will switch careers to the one in a recent Washington Post article - link below, ICYMI when reading the online version.

  9. VeniceWarren

    Another loyal follower from the Calpundit days.
    Your insight about the impact of lead is the first matter that comes to mind for which you provided a novel insight. In addition, you persuaded me that any citizen of California who is serious about their vote should start from a presumption that all proposed Propositions are deleterious. Proponents of any proposition should have a substantial burden of persuasion. That rule of thumb has stood the passage of time.

  10. superfly

    Another CalPundit reader here, congratulations. I'm not sure which you'll be more remembered for, cat blogging or the lead/crime hypothesis, but both are in the blogging HOF, if there was such a thing...

  11. Tim

    I don’t know if I’ve been there the entire 20 years, but it is more than 18. I still remember the old Calpundit orange.

    Happy anniversary, Kevin.

  12. iag

    Congrats Kevin. Not as much an old timer as many here - started reading maybe 15 years back. Not sure if it counts on lead crime (hadn’t known about it). But. I’ll take it. Keep up the good work, hope the New treatment works and many many more!

  13. Vog46

    Happy Platinum Anniversary !!
    Funny how Wiki describes platinum:
    " It is a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, silverish-white ..."

    Atomic symbol is Pt (code from cal(P)undi(t) perhaps????)

    We need to get the Qanon folks on this right away............

  14. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

    It peaked with the c. 2005 Washington Monthly post of the putative red/blue divide in America that turned out to be what soft drinks are called in different states.

    (The correct answer is soda.)

  15. Jimbo

    I dunno, Kevin. The goal of "persuading someone to change their mind" seems like a nothingburger.

    Thank you for 20 years of Kevinisms, and keeping it real...for real!

  16. delveg

    Congratulations, it's been a fascinating journey! Like many examples offered above, I think you've succeeded in changing many opinions - and I always use your guide to CA propositions alongside other guides when I'm figuring out how to vote.

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