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Prosecutor expected to be “sharply critical” of Biden’s classified documents

From the Wall Street Journal:

The prosecutor investigating why classified documents ended up at President Biden’s home and former office is preparing a report that is expected to be sharply critical of how he and his longtime aides handled the material, but the probe isn’t likely to result in a criminal case, according to people familiar with the matter.

Sigh. Of course. Thanks to endless Republican bitching and moaning about double standards blah blah blah, we have to be super careful to appear fairminded in these things. If that means tearing Biden a new asshole over a few dozen classified documents that he turned over instantly upon discovering them, then so be it.

I'm willing to bet ONE MILLION DOLLARS that every US president ends up with a few classified documents among the thousands they leave office with. That doesn't represent any kind of serious sloppiness or lack of concern. And nobody cares, either. Donald Trump is not being prosecuted for possessing a few classified documents and everyone knows it. He's being prosecuted for doing it knowingly and then repeatedly conspiring to prevent them from being turned over, even after a subpoena was issued.

But the usual games must be played lest House Republicans open yet another investigation of an investigation. Can't have that, after all.

26 thoughts on “Prosecutor expected to be “sharply critical” of Biden’s classified documents

  1. Bobby

    Once again the FBI is going to come out with a "there was nothing illegal, but we're going to roast the Democrat on a spit" announcement.

    In 2016 they did it twice to Clinton about the email server, and that in no small measure gave us President Donald Trump.

    1. Austin

      Perhaps one day future Democratic presidents will learn it's a bad idea to leave any of their Republican predecessors' appointees or hires in their positions, so they can sabotage everything you do. One day...

    2. D_Ohrk_E1

      TBF, the FBI is mostly filled with conservative folks. One can hardly fault a conservative for complaining about liberal/progressive folks for not breaking the same laws that conservatives constantly flaunt in public on social media and on TV.


  2. DeadEndSutton

    I assume Robert Hur has to show fellow conservatives how upset he is with Biden without actually showing any malfeasance. I'm not sure how the DOJ can allow this while waving off what Pence did.

    1. Austin

      That's easy. IOKIYAR. It even sounds like Latin, so the 6 Wise Souls on SCOTUS will write it into their ruling that, for Some Reason, vice presidents can't be charged with exactly what presidents can be charged with. E Iokiyar Unum.

  3. Murc

    I'm willing to bet ONE MILLION DOLLARS that every US president ends up with a few classified documents among the thousands they leave office with.

    You don't have to bet on this; it's well-documented.

    What happens, always, is they discover them after the fact, contact the National Archives, who vet them and make sure they get where they need to be. The National Archives has all the goods, although I think you need to actually go there and dig through their, well, archives to find them.

    1. DButch

      Yeah, back in 2015 with the Clinton emails "scandal" I did a bit of research. I actually found instructions in the National Archives site for what librarians and archivists should do if they found possible classified documents in a collection (usually as a bequest of documents from an estate). The section went through how to get the documents to the Archives for evaluation and proper retention - including return to the institution if the documents were no longer worth keeping classified.

      Oh, and one thing that amused me about the Clinton email issue was that the only reason State could actually get the contents of their emails was because the Clintons actually had good HW and retention policies in place. State's email system was a total mess of incompatible systems of varying ages held together with years of HW and SW patches. They had NO forensic search SW worth a damn and it was often faster to send information physically by diplomatic courier than to send email - even within the State buildings in or around DC.

      That's one of the reasons Powell didn't use States email much AND advised Clinton to not rely on it.

      I know about a lot of that because Colin Powell freaked out after 9/11 at the horrible state of most of their IT. My company (EMC) was working on a bid with some partners for a complete migrate and replace of the email subsystems. As usual, Congress cheaped out and dribbled out a bit of money to replace the creakiest bits and jury rig connections back into the only slightly less creaky bits.

  4. Honeyboy Wilson

    This usual game by the special counsel won't prevent the republican House from opening another investigation of the investigation. It is naive to think that it will.

  5. memyselfandi

    "He's being prosecuted for doing it knowingly and then repeatedly conspiring to prevent them from being turned over, even after a subpoena was issued." The first half of that claim is 100% false. And it's doing aid to the enemy when democrats allow that claim to stand He is solely being charged with not returning them after being caught.

    1. RantHaven

      Are you a troll or a complete fool? Go back to all the news stories showing (so far as possible) what documents TFG kept and how many and what he did with them when not refusing to return them. He freaking well DID do it knowingly AND on purpose. For chrissake, the man took classified documents to the residential wing of the White House at every opportunity and the sources for this were all over the media.

      What TFG did is both qualitatively and quantitatively different and larger than what Biden did. You are intellectually dishonest to claim anything else.

  6. Salamander

    In other breaking news, after a two day communications blackout around Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, Israeli troops have found ... Hunter Biden's laptop!


    1. DButch

      Stop exaggerating! They found a hard drive with the serial number ground off and covered in what appears to be Rudi Giuliani's cheap hair dye. Forensics experts and hazardous waste disposal experts are waiting to go in to properly handle the investigation.

  7. alkali19

    I am willing to believe that George W. Bush did not leave the Oval Office with even a scrap of paper.

    AIDE: Mr. President, I've compiled this set of documents to assist you in writing your memoirs. We can send these twelve bankers boxes back to your ranch.

    W: Let me get this straight: I've been president for eight years and now you want me to do homework? No thanks, nerd.

  8. lawnorder

    I would expect that a person chosen to conduct this sort of investigation will be a person who takes the proper handling of classified materials SERIOUSLY. Such a person will always be sharply critical of anyone who did not follow the proper protocols to the letter.

    I'm inclined to sympathize. So far, we know that presidents and vice-presidents of both parties pack off classified documents when their terms end. What we don't know so far is what other cabinet officers and sub-officers, and military officers, do the same. Anybody who takes security seriously must be tearing their hair (if they have any) out over this apparently widespread sloppiness regarding something that people should be extremely careful about. If mean things have to be said about Biden, and Pence, and Trump, and probably a bunch of other people, it's well deserved.

    1. DButch

      Actually, we DO know that. A lot of stuff mentioned in the Archives came in bequests from all sorts of military and civilian government officials (estate coordinators) - they had a nice example list. I found out about that in the 2015 run-up to the election.

  9. James B. Shearer

    "...That doesn't represent any kind of serious sloppiness or lack of concern. ..."

    Actually it does. The fact that something happens a lot doesn't mean it is okay.

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